Financing Options

Did you know that 50% of all home improvements over $5,000 are financed in some way according to leading market research? (Enerbank)

So if you're not offering a simple way to finance the project your competition is winning the bid. (even if the bid is higher in many cases)

Here are a few financing companies recommended by our contractors:

Helpful tip: Take a page out of the car industry

Improving your home is like buying a car. (hear me out)

Most buyers want a beautiful car.

But most people don't have $50,000 in cash to buy a car today.

Yet everyone is driving around in fancy new cars.

How does this happen?

Because people don't buy $50,000 cars!

They buy cars for $500 a month.

Car dealers never advertise the price of the car.

They advertise the monthly payment. 


Start selling a new roof for $149/mo.